Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Preservatives, Colorings, Flavorings...OH MY!

My daughter Jessica will be 10 in less than 1 week. She is living proof that you are what you eat. It has taken us about 7 years to refine Jessica's diet so that we have her as close to 100% natural as possible. The alternative is riddled with defiance, irritability, aggression on top of physical issues such as hives, IBS, swollen and/or sunken eyes and just plain old discomfort in her own skin.

* She looks sweet as pie doesn't she? Well she is...when she's 100% all natural inside :o)

This blog will be two-fold. Firstly, it will be used to help others who may feel their kids or family will benefit from an all natural diet. Secondly, the blog will be used for me to discuss, demonstrate or simply vent about the trials and tribulations of raising a little girl who is overly sensitive to or out-right allergic to any sort of artificial additive which includes: artificial preservatives, artificial colorings, artificial flavorings and artificial sweeteners.

Sounds like good times ey?! Come along and join in our fun ;o)

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